Monday, 20 October 2014

New Blogger Award:)

newbloggeraward - Copy

Hello!:) This is Nikki. AJ just nominated me for the New Blogger Award. (Thanks very much!:)) It's an award for people with less than 100 posts who have been blogging for under a year, including any other blogs they have. (And I've just realized I only just fit into that last category! I started this blog in early-mid November last year! Boy, it doesn't feel that long... 'course, that could be something to do with not posting for half of that year...:P) There are four questions, and you can nominate 4 to 7 other people.:)

Here are the questions AJ gave me:

1. What is your favorite thing to blog about?

My dolls!;) Although I have great fun blogging about my dad and '70s Doctor Who (on the same blog!;))

2. What's your favorite holiday? Why?

My favorite holiday is either Easter or Christmas; I'm not sure. But I like Easter mostly because of the time of year, and Christmas more for the fun of the tree, and singing carols and things.:)

3. What post would you like to see me do more? Why?

Well, I'm not sure, but photostories are generally my favorite things on blogs.:)
4. What's your favorite thing about fall?

All the leaves, and the color of the trees in the woods in you look out on them from on top of a hill. It's just beautiful!:) I also kind of like going out dressed warmly in the nippy weather, because it feels so safe and cozy. I don't like the weather itself though!;)

Now, I'll nominate:

Four Friends In College

These are all lovely blogs, and they deserve the award very much.:) Here are my questions:

1. How old were you when you got your first American Girl doll? (If you aren't allowed to give out your age, and you can't answer without doing that, then just say when you got her.:))

2. Do you like sewing for your dolls?

3. Why did you decide to start your blog?

4. How did you come up with your blog's name?

I hope you like the questions, and thank you again for the nomination, AJ!:)

UPDATE: "LiveLaughDolls" have moved to The Dolls Of Maple Street. Sorry about that.:P


  1. Thank you for the nomination, Nikki! :)

    1. YW!:) Sorry i forgot to comment it on your blog.:P

  2. I hope you'll read my blog soon! I'm happy to hear your answers!

    1. I checked out your blog; it's cool!:)

    2. Thanks! I hope you'll come back soon and comment!

  3. Wow! Thanks for nominating my blog, Nikki! Is there something specific that we are supposed to do now?

    1. YW!:) You basically make a post on your blog, saying you've been nominated, and you answer the questions, then you nominate some other blogs, and give them four questions to answer themselves.:)

  4. Hey Nikki! For the third question, I am not exactly sure what you mean, because I think there is a typo?

    1. Oh, I'm sorry! It is a typo.:P I'll fix it now. It was meant to say "Why did you decide to start your blog?":)

    2. Okay, thanks! It's okay, typos happen all the time. :)

  5. I followed a button to a blog and saw this. I couldn't comment because I didn't have an account, so I followed your link. But this is just awesome because I made this, and to see it come so far, it's cool. Good luck in your blog!

    1. Thanks Josie!:) (And I think the award is a great idea!:))
