Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Hi everyone, this is Nikki. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for disappearing again. I've been sick since last Monday with what they think was meningitis. I was at a friend's house for the day to celebrate my birthday the day after, and we went to our drama group that evening. In the afternoon, I suddenly got a really bad sort of throbbing headache, and a really stiff and achy neck, and over the day it just got worse and worse, and the pain spread down my spine, and I started feeling like I had a fever. During the rehearsal, my back and neck got so painful I couldn't even bend my neck forward. I told my parents when they picked me up, and they took me straight to the hospital. Soon after we got there I was given a temporary bed in the emergency area while I waited to be seen by a doctor. They said my temperature, pulse, and blood pressure were high, and then my mom suddenly noticed a weird red rash all over me. The nurses and doctor thought it was sepsis, and said I probably had bacterial meningitis, and the specialized doctor I saw the next day said they were right. I was kept in hospital for three days, and I improved so fast that one of the doctors I saw didn't believe I could have had meningitis. I am out of hospital now, but seeing doctors all the time, and still very weak and in pain, and I've had to miss two important exams.:/ They are also checking me for permanent after effects of the meningitis, because I'm slightly deaf in one ear, and have a weak arm and leg. Hopefully they will return to normal though. I'm currently not well enough to do a proper post, but Lindsay typed one up before I went into hospital that I will post later or tomorrow.:) I'm sorry again fir the gap between posts. Thank you for understanding though.:)
I got the Disney Animators' Collection Anna and Elsa for my birthday though, so I may review them on here soon. They're really cute! They also may get their own blog - I'll let you know if they do.:)


  1. Oh, that's terrible! I will pray for your full recovery. :)
    And don't feel bad about not posting. It's totally understandable. :)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    1. Thanks. I really appreciate the prayers. :)
      I may not post for a while, but I will be back. Thanks for understanding. :)

  2. Oh my goodness, Nikki!! :( I read the comment you left me on the last post, and I was so sorry to hear about your illness! :( I really hope you're feeling much better. I have been praying for you lots since I found out. :)

    1. I am feeling better overall, and the weak leg and other things are slowly getting better - my arm and leg are still kind of numb, but the actual weakness is lessening. :) Thank you! :)

  3. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for you, Nikki! I hope you'll be completely healed, that's so terrible!:( I'll pray for you!

    1. Thank you for the prayers! It means a lot to me.:)
      I'm starting to get better, and the problems with my leg and things seem to be improving (except that my arm and leg are still sort of numb), so hopefully they aren't permanent. Even if they are, they are improving enough that they won't too much in the way. (Before they started improving, I was worried that the weak leg might stop me from being able to dance, and I perform in musicals, so that would have been really sad. But now I don't think I should have much problems with dancing or anything.:)) Thanks again.:)
