Thursday, 14 May 2015

Grateful Blogger Tag! :)

Hello! This is Nikki. I'm really happy to be back! My show was chaos, and the people in charge of the drama group who were supposed to help me let me down and made as much trouble for me as they could (I don't know why), but the cast did so well, and it went amazingly, and I'm really happy. :) The reason I haven't posted sooner is that I've needed a rest. Doing the show was so stressful, and I've had a lot of other things to do, and I needed to calm down and do as little as possible for a while. But now I'm rested, and the dolls and I should be able to come back permanently now. :)

We were nominated for the Grateful Blogger Tag a while back by Christian Homeschooler. (Thank you very much! :))

These are the rules:

1. Thank the person that awarded you.  They will surely appreciate it!  Also, leave a link back to the person that nominated you. 

2. Write ten things you are thankful for.  But you can’t say you’re thankful for gum and video games.  You have to consider the deep stuff.  The stuff  you are really thankful for.  

3. Tag ten other bloggers, even if you have to look up some, tag ten. 

4. Add the picture above to your sidebar or award page thanking the person who tags you.

 To name the things I am thankful for:

1. I'm thankful to God. I know lots of people say that, but I really mean it (and I'm sure most other people do too), and I couldn't list the things I'm thankful for without including God. I'm thankful to God above everything else. :)

2. I'm thankful for my friends, both online and where I live. They're all amazing people, and I could never survive without them. Friends are very special. :)

3. I'm thankful for my dolls (of course ;)). I really love them, and they mean so much to me. I'm so glad I can have them.

4. I'm thankful for for nature. I love the sea and the trees and the flowers. Everything's so beautiful, and God made it that way. :)

5. I'm thankful for the Bible. It has some wonderful passages, that explain so much about life and are so guiding. I'm glad God gave us his Word to live by. :)

6. I'm thankful for music. I love music, whether it's writing it or playing it or listening to it or dancing to it. Music is beautiful; it's like a different way of expressing your feelings, and it always carries so much emotion and joy in it.

7. I'm thankful for my drama groups. I really love acting and performing, and they are a place that I can do that, and work with really fun people at the same time. They're great. :)

8. I'm thankful for books. Reading is a way of escaping into another whole world, and the world changes every time you read another book. It's so much fun to imagine yourself into the stories.

9. I'm thankful for imagination. It's what makes drama and music and reading and all kinds of other things as fun as they are. I love imagining things!

10. I'm thankful for people. People are the most wonderful creation ever, and the best thing I've ever done is to work with them. People make you smile, and laugh, and sometimes they make you cry, but they're always there, and when you work together with them it's the most wonderful thing ever.

Since most people did this award a long time ago, a lot of the people I'm going to tag have probably already done it, but I'm going to tag them anyway, and if you want you can do it again.:)

1. American Girl Attic Girls
2. Little House Of American Girl
3.Ginger's Toy Chest
4. An American Girl Doll Story
5. The Disney Dolls
6. Through The Eyes Of A 12" Girl
7. Whiskers And Wildflowers
8. Wack-A-Doodle Dolls
9. Silver Creek Dolls
10. Delightful World Of Dolls

As for putting the award picture on my sidebar or award page, I don't have an award page, and I don't want my sidebar to be cluttered, so I hope nobody minds, but I'm going to just leave that for now (I may make an award page soon though :)).

Thank you so much for the award, Christian Homeschooler. I think it's the nicest award I've done yet. (I really liked doing it!) :)

PS Does anybody know how I can get the 'become a member of this site' gadget on my sidebar? I've been trying to get it but I can't seem to find it with the other gadgets, so I'm wondering if it's been taken away or something, or if I'm just missing it somehow. :P If I can't get it, what method of 'following' would you prefer to be put on this blog? Please let me know. :)


  1. Welcome back, and congrats on your award!
    As for following, I'm not sure what you mean...but your site is bookmarked on my tablet. ;-)

  2. Thanks! :)

    A lot of Blogger sites have a 'members' gadget on their sidebar, with a button to follow the blog, but I can't find it anywhere :P Thanks for bookmarking my blog though! :)

  3. Thanks for doing this! :) I'm glad your show went well. And it's always good to have a nice rest after something so crazy. I'm still not back into a routine since we went on a long trip last week. It was really fun, but long and tiring too. Anyway, I don't know how to help you with the gadget, because I don't use blogger. But I do always see your new posts because I follow your blog in my Wordpress Reader. :)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    1. You're welcome; it was a really fun award!:) (And I hope you don't mind that I'm not putting it up on my sidebar or anything yet - I probably will make an awards page soon) Thanks very much! :) Trips can be tiring! And thank you for following me; it means a lot! :)

    2. It's okay. I don't have an awards page or awards on my sidebar on my blog either. It makes things too crowded.
      ~Christian Homeschooler

    3. Thanks for understanding; that's what I think too.:)

  4. To find the "Followers" gadget, you have to go into "Layout" on your blogger dashboard. Then click on a spot where you want to add the gadget. The "followers" gadget is in the tab "more gadgets," at the bottom. Hope this helped you!

    1. Thanks very much!! I'll go do that now. :)
