Monday, 4 November 2013

Hello! :)

Left-to-right: Anna Peters, aged 16; Samantha Parkington, 14; Cait Kittredge, 15; Nellie O' Malley, 14; Melody Larson, 14; Lindsay Sommers, 14; Nicki Fleming, 14; Julie Albright, 14; Margaret "Kit" Kittredge, 13; Kirsten Larson, 13; Molly McIntire, 12.

Hello! We are 11 dolls belonging to a girl named Nikki. Well, actually Cait and Melody are her mom's but what does that matter? :) This is a photo of us all together, taken two months ago, the day Julie arrived. Our ages range between 12 and 16, and we're mostly American Girl dolls, although Cait is Gotz and Anna is My Twinn Vintage Collection. As the blog title says, we're best friends and that'll never change, although Cait can be a little grumpy sometimes. ;) We're very happy to live with Nikki, and we made this blog to show you how much fun we can have, even though we're dolls! :)

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